Sunday Funday – Writing and Painting, and Photography, Oh My!

On top of my medical issues, I live with anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, and ADHD. Seriously, no joke. I’m always a bundle of nerves. There are days even I can’t stand being around me. To find my center, I keep a variety of hobbies available at all times. I set goals, and I tackle them a little each day. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Note 1: My life depends on a constant supply of Post-it notes. Seriously! They need to sponsor me.

Today I went full ADHD and worked on all three hobbies without losing my mind in the process.

Note 2: When it comes to hobbies, it’s perfectly acceptable to go full ADHD and have fun with as many as you wish, but plan your time carefully, so you don’t get overwhelmed.

What’s great about writing, painting, and photography and living with ADHD is I’m able to set the amount of time I need to finish each project. I can decide what size project I’m going to work on depending on how I feel that day.

When it takes weeks to finish something, I get bored and hate the project before it’s completed (I have no clue how I created children without getting bored. Those little humans take nine months to create!) Small projects, which can be completed in a few days, or less than a week, are fun for me and make me happy.

I’m having fun painting today, but I think the art on my hands is better than my canvas.

Paint on my hand

Photo by Amanda Blount


Until next time…Be safe, be kind, and take time to love one another.

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