Writer’s Wednesday: Murder in Absentia, Assaph Mehr

.     Assaph Mehr

This week, as promised, Writer’s Wednesday explores the careers and writing paths of two different Australian authors.

Assaph Mehr, author of Murder in Absentia, lives in Australia with his wife and family, and, of course, his cat Felix. His love of Roman history contributes to this murder mystery based in a fantasy world full of exciting battles and intrigue. We can only hope Mr. Mehr will be writing more stories with Felix the Fox (Hint: Read to the end to find out where you can find more stories with Felix). Continue reading

Writer’s Wednesday Preview -Murder in Absentia by Assaph Mehr

Be sure to catch the entire interview with Assaph Mehr later today. Mr. Mehr is the author of Murder in Absentia.

Murder in Absentia

“Murder in Absentia is set in a fantasy world. The city of Egretia borrows elements from a thousand years of ancient Roman culture, from the founding of Rome to the late empire, mixed with a judicious amount of magic. This is a story of a cynical, hardboiled detective dealing with anything from daily life to the old forces roaming the world.

 This is a story of Togas, Daggers and Magic – it will appeal to lovers of murder mysteries, ancient Rome and fantasy.” 

The reviews are all positive.

“It was hard to put this book down once I started reading, and even after I had finished, my thoughts lingered in the world of Felix the Fox in Ancient Rome.” – Barbara Underwood 

“It should be said up front that there are precious few indie authors whose works I have agreed to read for review purposes and come away thoroughly entertained by. Mr. Mehr, blissfully, is a new member of that small circle.” – Joshua T. Calkins-Treworgy

“I thought this book was brilliant; it’s a murder/mystery book in a pure fantasy world drawing on themes from Roman culture and i have to thank the author for the chance to read/review the story. I won’t lie.. I wasn’t sure if setting a murder mystery in a more historical time point would work.. but it did.” – Bairdy1985

“Hardcore Historical Fantasy – Felix the Fox is Sherlock Holmes in Ancient Times”
— Jonathan Maas, author of City of Gods – by Hellenica

“Mehr is a master alchemist, blending the real and surreal on a captivating flight of fantasy.” – by Cynthia Celmer

All the mystery is available in paperback and for Kindle. Be sure to get your copy here…

Don’t forget to catch up with Mr. Mehr and Felix the Fox later today for the latest installment of Writer’s Wednesday!

Until next time…be safe, be kind, and always be happy.

Writer’s Wednesday – We’re Headed Down Under!

This Wednesday, April 20th, I have the honor of interviewing two published authors from Australia.

Assaph Mehr, author of Murder In Absentia and Wendy Waters, author of Catch the Moon, Mary. Both authors have graciously offered their valuable time and experience answering a few questions about their path to creative writing and ultimately publishing their stories.

Each journey in writing is as different as the sands on the beach, yet many new writers never start because they fear their personal stories aren’t as perfect as the famous writers they know by heart. They fear they aren’t good enough, they aren’t interesting enough, they aren’t smart enough, rich enough, and so on. These fears paralyze their creative minds and they never publish one word. All the stories are locked away forever, never allowing anyone to see these new worlds and adventures.

My goal is not only to introduce wonderful authors to new fans, but I also hope new writers will understand they have the tools to began their own writing journey right now.

I hope those who lock their stories away behind fear and self doubt will read the interviews and be inspired to tell your stories to the world. Every author’s journey to publishing is completely different. There is no perfect setting, no perfect story, no perfect person, and no perfect time. For new writers, the time is now.

As I spend more time with Assaph and Wendy and explore the trials, tribulations, and the path of success paved by different authors, it becomes clearly obvious, “all roads do indeed lead to Rome.”

Leading up to the interviews, please see for yourself the wonderful worlds created when words are allowed to flow.

First up is Murder in Absentiaa story of Togas, Daggers and Magic – it will appeal to lovers of murder mysteries, ancient Rome and fantasy.

You can find this intriguing murder mystery set in a fantasy world on Amazon,  

Murder in Absentia

Next up is Catch the Moon, Mary, a story of a deeply troubled family, difficult decisions, and living your life for your own dreams.

This passionate story can be found on Amazon,

Catch the moon, Mary

Don’t forget to read both individual interviews next week in Writer’s Wednesday!

Until next time…be safe, be kind, and always be happy.