Medical Cannabis Conversation

Over the last few years I’ve had many conversations concerning Medical Cannabis, some of those conversations were with medical professionals. For many, is seems, they can’t think outside the propaganda the FDA sells them.

This is why I can’t take medical marijuana protest people seriously,

The FDA, the CDC, big pharmacies, and many organizations have no monetary incentive to support medical cannabis (not yet), so they don’t. With all the research of medical cannabis around the world and even in the US, politicians still say it’s not enough and they demand more. Yet, they make it hard to obtain research on medical cannabis due to the insane cycle which state cannabis can’t be studied because it’s still listed as schedule 1, the same level as Heroin and LSD.

About a year ago, I a crazy conversation with one of my nurses.

We were talking about all the prescriptions I am on, and I said how dangerous they are. Yet, maybe I could get rid of a few of them if MM was legal in our state.

Me: Medical Marijuana has TONS of medical use. Medical Marijuana has been shown to help with many diseases, MS, Childhood Seizure, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, everyone on cancer treatments could be saved, and senior citizens feel so much better because they are able to sleep and get real rest, plus so much more.

Nurse: But, it damages the brains in teenagers when used in high doses, so it should be banned.

Me: (SHOCKED LOOK!) — Well, I’m sure as a medical professional you would not give medical marijuana in high doses to someone in the teenage bracket, right? You also don’t give certain medications to pregnant women because of dangers, correct? Plus, and this is proven, chronic pain damages the brain of all ages, babies, teens, adults, and senior citizens (and ME!!), so you want to ban a medication that does more good than bad, because it is bad for the brains of normal teens? Really?

Nurse: Yes.

Me. But, alcohol is highly abused for teenagers, and college kids die every year from alcohol abuse, even when they are old enough to drink it. Plus, alcohol has very few medical purposes and causes more harm than good. Do you want to ban alcohol from everyone to save the children? You’re a nurse, you see the damage alcohol has done to babies and to children, you see the deaths at colleges, you see the deaths of all the people who die in DUIs? Don’t you want to ban something that has no medical use.

Nurse: No. Of course not. Alcohol is regulated but the FDA (It isn’t, but I let that slide) and medical marijuana isn’t regulated by anyone. It will only be used to get high. It’s a gateway drug to more bad behavior and I hope it stays illegal.

ME: (Just shaking my head.) Well, then, you and all the professionals, who believe the same, have been gravely misinformed.

At this point, I asked for another nurse. I actually received wonderful treatment from the second nurse. The second nurse was open to the idea of medical cannabis and explained the various instances in his own family when medical cannabis could help. He explained that his aunt had cancer and he wished he could give it to her and before his father’s death he had Alzheimer’s, and became very upset and agitated towards the end. My nurses explained he would have more than welcomed a medication which would have calmed his father with making him in a zombie everyday.

The difference in the underlying beliefs of the two nurses were like night and day. I believe the difference was personal experience with someone close to them who was truly sick and could be helped with a medication used around the world, but not in certain parts of the US.

This is why people are dying and suffering for no reason in this world! If you are going to argue your point against something that will help millions of people, at least have a good reason for the argument. Alcohol and cigarettes are incredibly harmful, yet they are legal. Cannabis has many benefits for patients, yet this is illegal. There are patients dying and suffering in pain, all over the United States, when one medication could help in so many ways. None of this makes sense to me.

In my opinion, it’s all smoke and mirrors set up to keep patients on only pharmaceutical medications for the rest of their lives, no matter how miserable or short those lives are, they will be owned by pharmaceutical money.

Sick patients are owned and are the slaves of Pharmaceutical companies. Patients make billions of dollars for the big companies, due to committing the one sin in the US which takes away  all rights, the sin of becoming sick. The patients are the slaves and the Doctors are the enforcers.

This relationship will never change until medical cannabis laws are changed in this country.


Until next time… be safe, be kind, and always be happy!

One thought on “Medical Cannabis Conversation

  1. GREAT post! The insanity of the argument against the medical application of cannabis is so flimsy. Where do people think the ingredients for all medication comes from? Nature! Stupid idiots. Any medication can be abused by people who are not in pain. Heroin is a very powerful pain-killing drug. LSD can be used to treat schizophrenia. So many natural substances can be used for the treatment of ill health. And to argue that cannabis is a gateway drug is as spurious as arguing that diving leads to drowning. Having been married to a drug addict I learned a lot about their drugs of choice. Every drug has a different effect and one does not naturally follow or “lead to” another. People inclined to seek mind-altering or numbing substances to dodge the boredom or struggle of real life will find the drug that works for them and settle. The real issue is a social one. When society starts making “life” a little less expensive and chosen careers a lot more accessible people will start engaging in it rather than seeking their highs in easy access drugs. Drugs are necessary to manage pain and their use should be legalized.


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